Teeth Whitening
Professional teeth whitening can be accomplished either as an in office procedure or with take home bleaching kits.
Professional teeth whitening can be accomplished either as an in office procedure or with take home bleaching kits.
Professional teeth whitening can be accomplished either as an in office procedure or with take home bleaching kits.
The in-office procedure involves applying a hydrogen peroxide gel to the teeth and then illuminating the gel with an overhead lamp that delivers UV light to the area. This breaks down the gel and allows oxygen to enter the tooth, bleaching the teeth.
The take home procedure involves the patient doing the whitening procedure at home. The gel is placed in custom fabricated trays everyday and worn for a period of 2 weeks. This process is not light activated, and takes longer to achieve the same result, but is more cost effective.
A dental laser can be used to help speed up the healing of cold sores and canker sores.
A dental laser can be used to help speed up the healing of cold sores and canker sores.
It can be used to help treat gum disease, to remove benign oral tumours and to remove excess tissue. The benefits of using a dental laser are:
This is a procedure that uses a series of transparent aligners to straighten the teeth.
This is a procedure that uses a series of transparent aligners to straighten the teeth.
Root canal therapy is needed when the tissues in the centre of the tooth become inflamed or necrotic.
Root canal therapy is needed when the tissues in the centre of the tooth become inflamed or necrotic. The tissue is cleaned out using a series of files which promotes elimination of the infection and resolution of pain.
Through the use of various dental procedures, the look of your smile can be improved, creating an aesthetic smile.
Through the use of various dental procedures, the look of your smile can be improved. Colour, position, shape, size, alignment are all important factors in having an esthetic smile. Zoom! Whitening can be used to bleach your teeth to produce a whiter teeth, while restorative work that includes bonding, veneers, crowns or bridges can also be executed to help create a functional, beautiful smile
Implants are used to replace missing teeth. They are titanium screws that are placed into the bone to help replace missing teeth.
Implants are used to replace missing teeth. They are titanium screws that are placed into the bone to help replace missing teeth. The final prosthesis that goes on top of an implant can be either a fixed or removable appliance.
Dentures are removable prostheses that replace missing teeth.
Dentures are removable prostheses that replace missing teeth. They can be either partial (replacing a few teeth) or complete (replacing all of the teeth). There are different types of dentures to suit different needs. A comprehensive exam can help determine if and which type is best for you!